Thursday, June 4, 2020

Tips on Writing an Observational Essay

Tips on Writing an Observational EssayThere are many tips on writing an observational essay. But if you're only familiar with the basics, you might struggle when it comes to getting started. Here are a few pointers to get you started. Take these tips and apply them to the style you'd like to create.You should never think of yourself as writing an article. Instead, you are writing an essay. So you have to use 'I' instead of 'we' in all conversations and focus on your own experience. Don't be ashamed or shy about it.Use the questions to express your feelings, even if they seem rather silly. Try to connect those feelings to your observation. This is a great way to express your thoughts. Don't be afraid to share them because you're sure to be welcomed by readers who will want to know more.Stop writing when you feel that the point has been made. If you find yourself on the verge of finishing, take a breath, take some time to think, and decide whether or not you'd like to continue. If you' re not in love with the essay, move on.Take a breather and let the piece rest a bit before moving on. There is no harm in planning, so if you need a few minutes, move on. When you're finished, you'll feel much better and be able to write better and faster than before.Pay attention to the structure. You should use the following format: 'I'm writing an observational essay on...' (add your name). You can break down your observations into sections or take just one section. Also, keep it brief, no more than three sentences. If you feel the essay is too long, you might try cutting back a few paragraphs to make room for other elements.If you've ever struggled with the type of essay you wrote, try these tips on writing an observational essay. It might take a little more time, but you'll soon see that your own experience is more important than you thought. If you've been struggling, move on, let yourself have some space and let your observations flow.

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